Beginner’s Guide: How To Use GetResponse For Email Marketing


In today’s digital age, any business that wants to get ahead and raise awareness online cannot do without GetResponse for email marketing. GetResponse, a comprehensive marketing software platform, provides a wealth of features from email marketing to marketing automation which, for any business, means they can get their marketing message across effectively and get in touch with their audiences in a real way. Marketers earn an average return of $38 for every $1 spent and with a worldwide total of more than 3.9 billion users, email marketing has come of age. Therefore, simple insights can push the marketing game up to a whole new level.

For those new to email marketing, or those who simply want to improve their current level of skill, GetResponse has been El Dorado. This article on email marketing will take you from the first steps of setting up your GetResponse account and building email lists through to their management. With the 30-day free trial of GetResponse, it’s easy for businesses to design attractive email campaigns without the need for credit card details. It is an excellent one-stop beginners’ guide to email marketing.

Setting Up Your GetResponse AccountGetting Started with GetResponse

Starting on your email marketing journey with GetResponse involves a few initial steps. Here’s a quick guide on getting started with email marketing using GetResponse.

  1. Creating Your GetResponse Account:
    • Visit the GetResponse website and opt for the free trial plan, which allows up to 250 subscribers for 30 days. This provides a hands-on way to explore the platform’s capabilities without immediate financial commitment.
    • Fill in the registration form by providing your full name, a valid email address, and creating a password. This step lays the foundation for your journey with GetResponse.
    • Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive an activation email. Click the link within this email to activate your account, a necessary step to begin leveraging GetResponse’s features.. 
  2. Setting Up Your Email Marketing Essentials:
    • Configure Your Sender Email Address: It’s recommended to use a domain-specific email address for sending out emails. This not only enhances credibility but also improves email deliverability rates.
    • Navigate the GetResponse Dashboard: Familiarize yourself with the various sections such as Contacts, Email Marketing, Landing Pages, and more. Understanding these is pivotal for efficiently utilizing GetResponse’s features.
    • Create and Manage Your Email List:
      • Click on ‘Contacts’ and select ‘Create List’. Name your list and, if desired, set a title, description, and category. This organization is key for targeted campaigns.
      • Adjust subscription settings to your preference, including the decision to enable or disable double opt-in, which adds an extra verification step for new subscribers, enhancing list quality.
  3. Optimizing Your Account for Campaign Success:
    • Create Opt-in Forms: Design opt-in forms for your website or landing pages, offering value such as eBooks or discounts in exchange for visitors’ email addresses. This is a critical step in building a permission-based email list, effectively utilizing forms and lead magnets.
    • Subscription Settings: Customize subscription notifications, confirmation message, and subject line to align with your brand voice and enhance subscriber engagement.
    • Access and Use: Log into GetResponse and navigate to the newer version for a more streamlined experience. The newer version simplifies list management by displaying lists directly, making it easier for users to manage their email marketing efforts, as highlighted in various GetResponse tutorials.

By following these steps, users can quickly set up their GetResponse account, laying the groundwork for successful email marketing campaigns. Remember, the key to email marketing is not just in the tools you use but in how you use them to engage and grow your audience.

Creating and Managing Contact Lists

In the world of email marketing, managing your contact lists in GetResponse is pivotal for the success of your campaigns. Here’s a comprehensive approach to creating and maintaining your lists effectively, incorporating email list building strategies to enhance your outreach.

  • Creating and Segmenting Your Lists:
    • To start, navigate to ‘Contacts’ and click on ‘Create List’. Assign a unique name to your list that reflects the segment of audience it represents, a crucial step in email segmentation. This could be based on the product interest, geographical location, or where they are in the sales funnel, aiding in precise targeting.
    • For adding contacts, you have two options: manually enter the email addresses one by one or upload a CSV file. It’s critical to ensure these contacts have opted in, as GetResponse strictly prohibits the use of purchased databases.
    • Utilize custom fields during list creation or when adding contacts to gather more information about your subscribers, such as preferences or how they found your site. This data is invaluable for personalizing campaigns and effective email segmentation and targeting.
  • Maintaining List Health and Engagement:
    • Regularly clean your lists by removing subscribers who haven’t engaged with your emails over a defined period. This not only improves your email deliverability but also ensures your engagement metrics more accurately reflect your active audience.
    • Employ email analytics to segment your lists based on engagement levels. This allows for more targeted and relevant email campaigns. For instance, you might send a re-engagement campaign to those who haven’t opened your emails in the last six months, a practice that underscores the importance of email segmentation and targeting.
    • Consider the use of double opt-in for new subscribers. This method adds an extra verification step and significantly enhances the quality of your contact lists by ensuring interested and engaged subscribers.
  • Advanced List Management Techniques:
    • Combining Lists: If you have multiple lists that serve similar purposes, you can merge them by selecting the contacts, clicking the three dots, and choosing ‘Move to Lists’. This streamlines communication and simplifies list management.
    • Suppression Lists: Utilize suppression lists to exclude specific contacts from receiving certain campaigns. This is particularly useful for contacts who have opted out of a specific type of communication but do not wish to unsubscribe entirely.
    • Engagement Tracking: With combined lists, directly communicate with your audience to gauge their interest levels. This feedback can be crucial for segmenting your lists further and tailoring your communication strategy, highlighting the role of email segmentation and targeting.

By sticking to these practices, you can be certain your contact lists in GetResponse are not only well-organized but also primed for high engagement. Remember, a well-maintained email list is a valuable asset in the arsenal of any email marketer, laying the foundation for successful and impactful email campaigns.

Designing Your First Email Campaign

To embark on designing your first email campaign using GetResponse, follow these well-organized steps to ensure your message resonates with your audience and achieves your marketing goals, leveraging tools like the email creator to create emails that captivate.

  • Campaign Setup:
    • Navigate to ‘Tools’ and select ‘Email Marketing’.
    • Assign a title to your email for easy identification.
    • Choose the contact list you wish to target with your campaign.
    • Specify the ‘From’ email address and an email address for receiving replies to foster communication with your audience.
    • Craft a compelling subject line that piques interest and encourages opens.
  • Email Design:
    • Utilize GetResponse’s drag-and-drop editor to design your message. You have the option to start with a blank canvas or select from hundreds of professional templates tailored to various business needs, a feature that highlights the capabilities of the email creator to create emails with ease.
    • Customize your email by adding your logo, images, or select from free photos provided by GetResponse to enhance visual appeal.
    • Incorporate animations to grab attention and add a dynamic element to your emails.
    • Ensure your email is optimized for mobile devices to cater to the majority of users who access their emails on smartphones and tablets.
    • Preview and test your email to confirm it displays correctly across different devices and doesn’t get flagged as spam.
  • Content and Scheduling:
    • Define the purpose of your email (e.g., to inform, engage, or sell) and tailor your content accordingly. Provide value to your subscribers by addressing their needs and interests.
    • Keep your emails concise, well-structured, and visually appealing. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and relevant images to enhance readability.
    • Choose whether to send your email immediately or schedule it for a later time, allowing for strategic timing based on when your audience is most likely to engage.

Following these steps will enable you to craft an email campaign that looks professional and resonates with its target audience. The customizable templates and drag-and-drop editor in GetResponse allow you to create attractive newsletters that are head-and shoulders above those of your competitors. Remember, the success of your email marketing efforts depends on delivering valuable content tailored to both the interests of readers and their preferred style.

Automating Email Campaigns with Autoresponders

Automating email campaigns with GetResponse’s autoresponders streamlines the process of maintaining consistent communication. Engage with your subscribers through the power of drip campaigns, triggered emails, and automated emails. This functionality allows for the scheduling of a sequence of emails that are dispatched based on specific triggers or time intervals, ensuring that your audience receives timely and relevant content. Here’s how to effectively utilize autoresponders in your email marketing strategy:

  • Setting Up Autoresponders:
    • Navigate to the ‘Autoresponders’ section and select ‘Create Autoresponder’.
    • Decide whether to use the AI email creator for automated suggestions or to create the content manually for a personalized touch. Both options are designed to help you create emails that resonate with your audience.
    • Assign the autoresponder to a specific day in the subscriber’s journey, such as immediately after sign-up, after a delay, or at a predetermined time, making use of triggered emails and automated emails to maintain engagement.
    • Specify the days of the week when the autoresponder should be active, enabling flexibility in reaching your audience at optimal times.
  • Designing and Scheduling:
    • Select the ‘From’ and ‘Reply-to’ addresses to ensure consistency and manage responses efficiently.
    • Craft a compelling subject line to increase open rates.
    • Design the email’s appearance using GetResponse’s intuitive tools, ensuring it aligns with your brand’s visual identity. The email creator feature simplifies the process to create emails that captivate your audience.
    • Integrate with Google Analytics to track the performance and impact of each autoresponder email.
    • Finally, choose to either save your autoresponder for further edits or publish it to activate the sequence.
  • Advanced Automation Techniques:
    • Autoresponders can be sequenced or scheduled at specific intervals, starting from the moment a contact subscribes to your list. This ensures a structured follow-up process that nurtures leads through your sales funnel, embodying the essence of drip campaigns and lead nurturing.
    • Utilize personalization and segmentation to tailor messages based on subscribers’ preferences, behaviors, or purchase histories. This increases relevance and engagement, fostering a stronger connection with your audience through effective email segmentation and targeting.
    • Leverage GetResponse’s marketing automation capabilities to streamline your email marketing efforts, reducing manual tasks and focusing on strategy and content creation.

Follow these steps and you can harness the power of Get Response’s autoresponders to automate your email campaigns, ensuring consistent targeted and effective communication with something that pings out from time to time. This not only saves time but also makes your email marketing strategy more effective, creating engagement and conversions.

Analyzing Email Campaign Performance

Analyzing the performance of your email campaigns to refine and improve email marketing is vital. GetResponse offers comprehensive tools and metrics for monitoring and understanding how your emails are performing, which helps you make strategic decisions in the effort to receive more open rates or clicks on links—making it simpler than ever before with metrics like number of follow-ups sent per month.

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
    • Open Rate and Click Rate: After dispatching your emails, check the performance dashboard in GetResponse to see your open rates and click rates. These metrics give you a clear picture of how engaging your email content is and how effectively it prompts action.
    • Unsubscribe Rate: Monitoring the rate at which people are opting out of your mailing list can offer insights into the relevance and frequency of your emails. A high unsubscribe rate might indicate the need for content adjustments or segmentation improvements.
    • E-commerce and Link Tracking: With Google Analytics integration, track how email campaigns drive traffic and conversions on your website. This is particularly useful for e-commerce businesses aiming to directly link email marketing efforts with sales outcomes.
  • Optimization Techniques:
    • A/B Testing: Utilize A/B testing to experiment with different email elements such as subject lines, content layouts, and call-to-actions. This helps in identifying what resonates best with your audience.
    • Analyze Trends and Patterns: Delve into the data to uncover patterns in subscriber behavior. Are there specific days or times that yield better open rates? Do certain types of content lead to higher engagement? Use these insights to tailor your future campaigns.
    • Refinement: Based on the analytics, refine your strategy. If certain emails have high engagement, consider creating more content along those lines. Conversely, rework or discard elements that consistently underperform.
  • Support and Reliability:
    • Consistent Delivery Rate: GetResponse prides itself on maintaining a delivery rate above 99%, ensuring that your emails reach their intended inboxes. This reliability is a cornerstone for successful email marketing.
    • 24/7 Support: Should you encounter any issues or have questions about your campaign analytics, GetResponse offers round-the-clock support with quick response times. This ensures that you can make data-driven decisions at any time, thanks to GetResponse support and help.

Follow these metrics closely, making strategic adjustments can greatly enhance all facets of your email marketing endeavors. Your aim should not be just to send out more emails; rather it is about delivering the right message to the right person at precisely the moment when it will achieve maximum effect. GetResponse’s tracking and analytics capabilities put you in prime position to achieve this with finesse.


This guide to GetResponse has hopefully shown you its multifaceted applications for email marketing. From setting up your first GetResponse account to crafting killer e-mail campaigns, managing contact lists, automating sequences via autoresponders for automated marketing of emails (and truthfully high-powered results), and making a painstaking analysis of campaign performance, GetResponse is an inherently strong platform that will change the face of email marketing for newbies and seasoned marketers alike. Our objective has been not only to acquaint you with GetResponse’s extensive features but also to give you practical instructions on how to capitalize fully on these tools. This makes it an ideal starting point for getting started with email marketing and email marketing beginners. The pure power of GetResponse

Overall, when we analyze what GetResponse brings to the table, the platform’s adaptability, integrated analytics, and user-friendly nature combine to form an enormous asset for any marketer. Used strategically, these features will lead to greater engagement, higher conversion rates, and a better understanding of what your audience really needs. Although our guide offers a basic grounding, the dynamic character of email marketing stresses constant exploration, learning, and adaptation. With GetResponse at your side, the road to successful email marketing is as uncharted as it is bright with endless possibilities for connectivity, engagement and growth in digital space.

“Unlock Your Email Marketing Potential with GetResponse! 

Take your email marketing to the next level with GetResponse. Engage, automate, and grow your audience effortlessly. Sign up now and transform your campaigns!”

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How can beginners start with email marketing?

To kickstart your journey in email marketing, follow these essential steps:

  1. Identify Your Audience: Understand who your ideal customers are by analyzing various demographics.
  2. Set Your Objectives: Define what you aim to achieve with your email marketing efforts.
  3. Select an Email Marketing Service: Choose a platform that meets your needs for sending emails.
  4. Decide on the Type of Campaign: Figure out what kind of email campaign you want to run.
  5. Compile an Email List: Gather contacts for your email list who are interested in your products or services.
  6. Segment Your List: Break your email list into smaller groups based on specific criteria to tailor your messages, effectively utilizing email segmentation and targeting to enhance the relevance of your communications.
  7. Design Your Email: Create the content and layout of your email.
  8. Test Your Email: Always test your email before sending it out to ensure everything looks and works as intended, guaranteeing a smooth and professional presentation to your subscribers.

How do you send an email via GetResponse?

To send an email through GetResponse, if the recipient has left the page but you have their email address, the chat will switch to email mode automatically. Simply enter your message in the chat window and click the “Send email message” button. Your message will be displayed in the chat window, marked with an “Email message” label.

What are the five key stages of email marketing?

The email marketing funnel consists of five critical stages:

  1. Awareness: Introduce your brand to potential customers.
  2. Consideration: Use your emails to capture the interest of your audience by providing valuable information.
  3. Conversion: Encourage your audience to take a specific action, such as making a purchase.
  4. Loyalty: Build a relationship with your customers to keep them coming back.
  5. Advocacy: Encourage satisfied customers to spread the word about your brand.

What are the three primary steps in an email marketing campaign?

An effective email marketing campaign can be broken down into three main steps:

  1. The Announcement Email: Introduce a new product or service to your audience.
  2. The Reminder Email: Keep your audience engaged by reminding them about your offer.
  3. The ‘Last Chance’ Email: Urge your audience to take action before an offer expires.

These steps are designed to guide your audience through the buying process, from initial awareness to the final purchase, effectively creating a seamless conversion funnel.


I would love to hear what readers experiences has been with GetResponse. Drop me a line and thanks for visiting my site.


Bernard B



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